Soil Biology Services

Helping you put biology back into your operation so you can transform your dirt back into soil.

Work with Nature... not against it

We partner with you to help your soil’s biological organisms flourish. When soil contains the correct amounts of diverse organisms in the proper balance, plants and crops grow better, are more nutritious, and are able to resist pests and disease.  A soil teaming with beneficial microorganisms is precisely how nature was designed to function. Together we can build a better tomorrow for you and your family!

Soil Biology Analysis


Compost Analysis


Compost Training



“… for only rarely have we stood back and celebrated our soils as something beautiful, and perhaps even mysterious. For what other natural body, worldwide in its distribution, has so many interesting secrets to reveal to the patient observer?”

 - Les Molloy, Soils in the New Zealand Landscape: the Living Mantle. 1988