Soil Biology Analysis

Microbes: Small in size but mighty in numbers

Work with Nature... not against it

We partner together  to help your soil’s biological organisms flourish.

Step 1: Testing and Strategy

→We will analyze the soil biology in your soil to determine baseline levels of microorganisms. Depending on how long it has been since your last soil fertility test, we may need to conduct a new soil chemistry test.

→We will discuss the results with you and develop a plan to improve the biological health of your soil.

→Together, we will develop an overall strategy and timeline for improving the essential specific microorganism populations for your crop and management practices.

Step 2: Working our Plan

→Our goal is to help you succeed in establishing the proper microorganisms in your soil so that these microbes can get busy and work for you.

→Taking into account your equipment and resources, we will work with you to source and apply the proper types and amounts of  microorganisms for your soil and overall goals.

→We can also work with you to produce your own biologically complete compost.

Step 3: Monitoring and Tweaking

→It is important to regularly test and analyze the soil biology since it is only possible to manage what you measure.

→Together, we will regularly monitor the results and overall plan. This will help us know what we may need to do or to change in order to get the microorganisms to the proper levels and maintain them at their peak.

→We will continue to work with you to get the optimum numbers of each group of microorganisms established and until you have the knowledge to manage the biological system on your own.

“… if this is to be a permanent nation we must save this most indispensable of all our God-given assets-the soil, from which comes our food and raiment. If we fail in this, remember that much sooner than we have expected this will be a nation of subsoil farmers.” – H.H. Bennett 1933

H.H. Bennett 1933
soil health is important for civilization